Human Rights Working Group

Indonesia's NGO Coalition for International Human Rights Advocacy
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“Promoting government accountability on constitutional obligations and international standards to respect, promote, protect, and fulfill human rights.”

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Civil Society Participation in ASEAN Regionalism

Civil Society Participation in ASEAN Regionalism

This book explores the bottom-up processes of ASEAN regionalism by elaborating the potential central role and significant contribution of Southeast Asian civil society organizations in their involvement in some major ASEAN regional mechanisms. The publication provides...

HRWG UPR Joint-Submission 2022

HRWG UPR Joint-Submission 2022

As human rights defenders we are obligated to be involved in the international human rights mechanism. This responsibility urges us to participate in the submission of the Alternative Reports of the Universal Periodic Review on Indonesia. These reports were prepared...

Check out our publication!


Evaluasi Rekomendasi AFML (ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour)

ISBN: 978-979-18586-6-3


Civil Society Participation in ASEAN Regionalism

ISBN: 978-623-94398-2-8


Pelanggaran Hak-Hak Buruh Migran Indonesia di Negara ASEAN

ISBN: 978-979-18586-3-2

YouTube: Indonesia's NGO Coalition
